Charge Ahead Colorado to host inaugural Wired Workplace Event


Businesses are attracting talent, promoting sustainability, and exhibiting leadership by providing EV charging for the thousands of employees who drive plug-in electric vehicles in Colorado. Attend this free workshop on Oct. 27 from 4-6:30 p.m. to learn everything about workplace charging and end the day with a networking reception. See flyer for more details.

Please RSVP to by October 23rd.


ALT Fuels Colorado Resources


ALT Fuels Colorado is a jointly managed program between the Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) and the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) by providing incentives and removing barriers to the adoption of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). Please see below for a list of resources for the ALT Fuels Colorado Program. All interested parties are required to submit the project application.


Program Details


Purchase Order Terms and Conditions


Final Grant Documentation and Reporting Templates

Please see the application for all documentation required for reimbursement and information on reporting requirements.


Other ALT Fuel Resources


Charge Ahead Colorado Press

Denver International Airport is expanding their EVSE infrastructure in the West Parking Garage with the help of grant funding from Charge Ahead Colorado.

7News Article on DIA’s Completed EVSE Stations

Denver Post on DIA’s 10 EVSE Stations

Denver Business Journal on DIA’s EVSE Station Expansion

The City of Aurora is expanding their EVSE infrastructure with the help of grant funding from Charge Ahead Colorado.

The City of Aurora Adds Two EVSE Stations


Ozone Season Kickoff Event: June 5th 11a.m. – 2 p.m.

The Regional Air Quality Council’s “Electrify Your Summer” ozone season kickoff event is Friday, June 5th at Market Street Plaza (16th St. & Market St.) from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Ground-level summer ozone season officially begins on June 1 and the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is one of many ozone-reducing behaviors, improving our regions air quality.

Visitors to the kickoff event will:
– Learn about the emerging technology of electric vehicles
– Learn about the economic and environmental benefits of electric vehicles
– Receive information on EV financial incentives, tax credits, and charging infrastructure
– See first-hand some of the most popular electric vehicle models available
– Have a chance to win an electric lawn mower and other prizes
– Interact with RAQC board members and industry experts

Southern Colorado Clean Cities

Southern Colorado Clean Cities Coalition (SC4) seeks to reduce petroleum in the transportation sector. They do so by developing partnerships between both public and private organizations in southern Colorado that promote alternative fuels and advanced vehicles, fuel blends, fuel economy, idle reduction, and alternative modes of transportation.

Northern Colorado Clean Cities

Northern Colorado Clean Cities (NCCC), is a 501(c)3 organization sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Cities Program.  As part of the DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Program, Clean Cities advances the nation’s economic, environmental, and energy security by supporting local actions to reduce the use of imported petroleum in transportation.

Clean Cities Denver Metro Coalition

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Program (VTP), Clean Cities is a government-industry partnership designed to reduce petroleum consumption in the transportation sector. Clean Cities contributes to the energy, environmental, and economic security of the United States by supporting local decisions to reduce our dependence on imported petroleum.

RAQC Begins 8-Hour Ozone SIP Control Strategy Evaluation Effort


In 2012, the Denver Metro/North Front Range Area was designated as Marginal nonattainment for the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone. Based on a recent decision by the DC Circuit Court, the attainment deadline for the region is now July 20, 2015. Because the region did not demonstrate attainment by the end of the 2014 ozone season, the region is anticipating a “bump-up” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to a Moderate nonattainment area, which has an attainment deadline of July 20, 2018 and requires the development and submittal of an State Implementation Plan (SIP) for this standard.

As part of the SIP development process, a Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) analysis must be performed, which will demonstrate that the state has adopted all reasonably available control measures needed to meet the Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) requirements and demonstrate attainment as expeditiously as practicable. As part of this effort, the Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) Board has formed three subcommittees to evaluate potential strategies for incorporation into the upcoming and/or future SIPs.

All subcommittee meetings are open to the public and interested stakeholders.

Future meeting dates:

Subcommittee Date Time
Trans./Land Use/Pricing Tues., Nov. 10th, 2015 9:30 – 11:00 AM


Previous meeting dates:

Subcommittee Date Time
Stationary/Area Sources Thur., Sept. 24th 2015 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Stationary/Area Sources Tues., May 26th 2015 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Mobile Sources/Fuels Tues., Nov 3th 2015 9:30 – 11:00 AM
Mobile Sources/Fuels Wed., May 27th 2015 8:00 – 10:00 AM
Trans./Land Use/Pricing Mon., Oct 5th 2015 9:30 – 11:00 AM
Trans./Land Use/Pricing Tues., August 25th 2015 9:00 – 10:30 AM
Trans./Land Use/Pricing Fri., July 10th 2015 9:30 – 11:00 AM
Trans./Land Use/Pricing Tues., June 2nd 2015 1:00 – 2:30 PM


**All meeting dates and locations will be posted on our calendar page, which you can access here.**

Meeting information will be posted at the following URL:   and also can be accessed at under the Document Tab, Stakeholder Meetings.

Please click here to be added to the RAQC email list to receive notifications about future meetings.